Saturday, 10 May 2014

Living in a mansion facade so big
Scrupled to ring beggars do leave
Do you ever think, the people inside
Failing to purge, qualm to divide
Time to breathe time to descry
The little nothing but a plume on a side---
We may have everything in life still the intricacy of a little nothing enraptures ecstatic breathlessness.

Tagore in life!

9th May 2014 was "25th Boishak(Bengali Month)", 153th birthday of Rabindra Nath Tagore.  I am no connoisseur to discuss the magnetism Tagore has on Bengali culture or on the broader spread. Only, in the moments of life whenever, it has struck a hurdle, a verse has inspired to keep the head high enough to overcome. That’s how Tagore intertwines the interstices of veins and blood!!  "Loho pronam Kabi Guru." (O Laureate accept my reverence !!) 
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